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Assembly Source File
100 lines
;KAZOO produces variable pitched sounds
; 1 - raises pitch
; 2 - lowers pitch
; 9 - turns sound on
; 0 - turns sound off
; From Assembly Language Primer - The Waite Group
portB EQU 61H ; I/O Port B
keybd2 EQU 7H ; keybd input, no echo
status EQU 0BH ; check kbd status
dosexit EQU 20H ; DOS exit interrupt
doscall EQU 21H ; DOS interrupt number
ORG 100H
start: ; starting execution address
mov dx,Offset(message); Point to the message
mov ah,9 ; Set up for displaying the message
int doscall ; Do the DOS call
;initial values
mov bx,500H ; set 1/pitch in BX
mov dl,0 ; set pitch change to 0
mov dh,3 ; set on/off status on
mov al,10110110b; put magic number
out 43H,al ; into timer2
mov ax,bx ; move 1/pitch into AX
out 42H,al ; LSB into timer2
mov al,ah ; MSB to AL, then
out 42H,al ; to timer2
in al,portB ; read port B into AL
and al,11111100B; mask off bits 0 & 1
add al,dh ; add on/off status
out portB,al ; to turn speaker on/off
;raise or lower pitch by amount in AX
mov al,bh ; divide BX by 100H
mov ah,0 ; top half of AX = 0
or ax,1 ; make sure at least 1
or dl,dl ; does DL = 0?
jz skip ; if so, AX is plus
neg ax ; make AX negative
skip: add bx,ax ; add change to pitch
mov cx,200H ; set up wait loop
wait: loop wait ; loop a while...
mov ah,status ; check status function
int doscall ; call DOS
cmp al,FFH ; if AL was FF, then
jz read_key ; character was typed
jmps tone ; sound tone again
; read keyboard to get digit
; 1 = lower pitch, 2 = raise pitch, 9 = on, 0 = off
mov ah,keybd2 ; keyboard function, no echo
int doscall ; call DOS
cmp al,"1" ; is it 1?
jz lower ; lower pitch
cmp al,"2" ; is it 2?
jz higher ; raise pitch
cmp al,"9" ; is it 9?
jz turn_on ; turn on tone
cmp al,"0" ; is it 0?
jz turn_off ; turn off tone
cmpb al,"Q" ; is it Q?
jz quit ; then quit
cmp al,"q" ; is it still q
jz quit ; then quit
jmps tone ; not recognized key
lower: mov dl,0
jmps tone
higher: mov dl,1
jmps tone
turn_on: mov dh,00000011B
jmps sounder
turn_off: mov dh,0
jmps sounder
quit: mov dh,0
in al,portB ; read port B into AL
and al,11111100B; mask off bits 0 & 1
add al,dh ; add on/off status
out portB,al ; to turn speaker on/off
int dosexit ; quit
message: DB "KAZOO, 1 = Down Pitch, 2=Up Pitch, 9=On, 0=Off, Q=Quit$"